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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Woman to woman: The world is your oyster ... and other thoughts on scaling the heights

A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to meet with women who were going through a mentorship programme at one of the leading banks in Kenya. I listened and watched with a tinge of envy as the women talked about what being a part of that programme had done for them. It was heart-warming to hear about their transformation – the new confidence and self-belief – that changed the way they thought about themselves and their abilities in the workplace and the world at large. These were now formidable women who could take on any challenge in the world. They might feel fear and some self-doubt, but they would never balk in the face of the toughest assignment. They would put themselves out there for it. Spending time with them, I couldn’t help but wish that I was part of the programme they were in. That wasn’t possible, but I got a wealth of information those few hours I spent with them, and I’m sharing it with you.

Get a mentor

Mentorship changes everything. It helps you focus. It helps you dream bigger than you ever have. It helps you voice your fears and concerns and find a constructive way to deal with them. It gives you a sounding board. It gives you access to useful information, background, history, tricks and strategies … If you do nothing else on this list, get a mentor. Get a mentor early on in your career because this one step can help you rise higher and faster than the woman who tries to find her way around without mentorship. Structured mentorship programmes are particularly helpful.

Choose your associates wisely

Surround yourself with people who build you up, people who give you direction, people who give you good advice. Surround yourself with people and things that boost your confidence in yourself and your abilities and reduce contact with people and things that put you down and diminish your confidence in yourself and your capabilities.

Stop trying to be a superwoman

Don’t try to do it all (especially at home). You don’t have to be an impossibly perfect wife and/or mother. Build a support system in your husband and your house manager and children (if they are old enough) and equip them to handle some of the tasks, which you can then delegate to them so that you have time on your hands to do the things that you really want to focus on. You will feel happier, more fulfilled, less guilty, more at peace and more accomplished.

Dream big

You might feel afraid; you might feel doubtful about your skills, abilities and experience, but don’t let that niggling self-doubt keep you from applying for jobs or challenging tasks or high-level opportunities and positions. Feel the fear and put yourself out there anyway. Feel the doubt, but send your application anyway. The worst that can happen is that you will not get the job/opportunity. On the other hand, you might, with pleasant surprise, qualify for it; but you only get a chance if you put a foot in the door by sending your application. If you don’t put a foot in the door, you’ll be left wondering what if and what could have been if only you had tried. Don’t be caught in that what if cycle, try, try, try because you never know until you try. Open your eyes to the possibilities and be bold enough to give yourself a fighting chance. You are stronger than you think, more qualified than you imagine, and more capable than you believe. Do something that you think you cannot do. Stretch yourself. Don’t walk away from any challenge, rise to meet it head on, because you can.

Get to know your heroes

The women you admire - the women who have it all together – they have their own fears and insecurities, but they don’t allow them to stop them from reaching for the stars. Have a candid chat with a woman you admire and you might be surprised. She has also faced hurdles, even though it seems as if she had none or that she was luckier than most … She has faced the same obstacles and challenges that you have, but she didn’t let that stop her. She kept her eyes on the prize and kept pushing forward, jumping over one hurdle and the next as she made her way to her goals. Listen to her story, the one with warts and all and the one with big and small victories. You will be happy to learn that she is as human as you are and you will feel encouraged to pursue big dreams despite your perceived shortcomings and difficulties.

Know yourself and build your brand

Know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes, your dreams and aspirations … then work on building your personal brand. What are your skills, strengths and talents? What do you want to be known and remembered for? What problems do you want to solve? Make sure what you are doing is visible by talking about it and sharing it on the various available platforms.

Pass it on

Take it upon yourself to share your story with other women, particularly those who are starting out. We all have the benefit of hindsight and experience. Talk about the challenges and how to go around them. Share the tricks, tips and strategies. Let them know how to find opportunities and keep pushing them to be the best they can be beyond gender stereotypes without tiring. Be a mentor and a guide so that they can rise higher faster than if they didn’t have someone to show them the way. That letter to your younger self, let it be heard to the women who are starting out where you did as a younger woman.

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